Atende Next
Group Strategy 2022-2024
To achieve our Atende Next goals, we will focus on three strategic areas: growth (organic and inorganic), investments in innovation and business transformation.
Since 30 years, Atende has been delivering the most complex and significant ICT projects in Poland. We have repeatedly proven to be a high quality provider, preserving our long-lasting market reputation of exceptional knowledge and engineering skills.
Under the leadership of a new Management Board, factoring in dynamic changes occurring in the technology landscape as well as newly emerging trends, we hereby present a new strategy for the Group – detailed plan for next three years. The first strategy in the history of the company laying out in such a detailed form priorities and actions designed to fuel growth. Our strategy has been designed to answer the most current question "What next?”, hence the name: Atende Next.
Key technology areas in which we want to develop our business are narrowed down to five trends that will shape the future of business: telecommunication, smart energy, Industry 4.0 and IoT, semiconductors and digital transformation. Under each of these trends we pride ourselves in tangible achievements, making our strategy leverage concrete competitive advantages and driving forces.
Key projects that we implemented in these areas are among others: software development for one of the largest mobile operators, new proprietary services rendered to the largest Polish food producer, won contract for the use of the Phoenix-RTOS software in one of the largest deployments of smart metering in Europe (1 million smart gas meters in Belgium), as well as launch of the largest billing system in Poland (SAP solution for the gas sector with 7.5 million active gas supply points). Moreover, Atende Group, in partnership with Netia, passed national classification in the EU IPCEI-CIS competition, aimed to develop cloud technologies of strategic importance for the EU. The Group is also involved in two large tenders in the energy sector, which should be concluded in 2022: delivery of the Central Energy Market Information system for PSE SA and implementation of central CRM and billing systems for PGE SA (Polish Energy Group). In the realm of Industry 4.0 solutions we developed the intelligent robotics platform, while our (cloud platform for energy management) gained new functionalities around artificial intelligence and machine learning. Furthermore, Atende Group started adaptation of the Phoenix-RTOS operating system in the aviation sector and created a cloud-based product called EASYplus, dedicated to SME utilities, under which preconfigured SAP products are offered in a SaaS model. These successes evidence our competences to offer products and services demanded by today’s digital driven clients, equipping us with tools and plans to monetize the dynamically growing business potential created by modern technologies.
For Atende, 2022 began with the implementation of a new management model and launch of a transformation program that set a clear vision, plan and strategic priorities aimed to boost growth. To achieve our Atende Next goals, we will focus on three strategic areas: growth (organic and inorganic), investments in innovation and business transformation.

Over next three years our strategy is to evolve from a traditional hardware and tech supplier towards offering comprehensive solutions based on IP/proprietary products and services. We will expand our portfolio range, diversify suppliers, acquire new customers, intensify cross-sell and develop own products and services offered in subscription. Our goal is for this segment to in 2024 account for 40% of total Group revenue. With this in mind, we plan to further grow our product know-how in cloud computing and data, cybersecurity, industry solutions for telecommunication, energy and IoT. At the same time, we will strengthen our focus on partnerships and acquisitions, including in particular consolidation of selected IT market segments.
Strong business growth will be supported by innovation, since always an important part of our DNA, now constituting a core pillar of the Atende Next strategy. Execution of our innovation-led investment plan will be supported by external financing sources and co-financing, while maintaining a stable financial base for the Group.
Our three year goal is to double our group-level normalized 2021 EBITDA achieved through growth initiatives, business transformation and improvements in operational efficiency. We will improve cost management, business efficiency, optimize processes and implement a wider set of financial and risk management tools.
Atende is shaped by the specialized knowledge and comprehensive skills of our employees. Therefore to achieve our strategic goals we require a corporate culture that promotes innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity, providing each employee with best possible conditions for career growth and development. Atende Next increases our emphasis on ESG, introducing ongoing responsibility and commitment for the environmental, social (including employee) and governance area at every level of the organization.

"We are proud to present the new strategy for Atende Group in which we answer the burning question of "What next?", hence its name: Atende Next. There we set an ambitious goal to in three years create a leading in Central and Eastern Europe technology group. I am convinced that our built over 30 years knowledge and experience represents a tangible competitive advantage and solid basis for growth, allowing us to take advantage of the exciting evolution of the technology landscape. Our objectives for next three years center around growth, innovation and business transformation, all translating into an dynamic increase in Group valuation. The success of our new strategy and the next three years will be a result of team-work, cooperation, persistency and best-in-class execution, hence I invite all our stakeholders to join us for this new chapter in our development – the time for Atende Next is now. "
Marcin Petrykowski

Under the leadership of a new Management Board, factoring in dynamic changes occurring in the technology landscape as well as newly emerging trends, we hereby present a new strategy for the Group – detailed plan for next three years. Our strategy has been designed to answer the most current question "What next?”, hence the name: Atende Next.