Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity using Atende cloud

The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity foundation has the status of a public benefit institution. Its goal is to save the lives of ill people, especially children, and to conduct activities aimed at improving their health condition and at health prevention. The goal is achieved through the Grand Finale fundraiser and then the purchase of equipment for hospital wards throughout Poland.
Every year during the Grand Finale, the websites of GOCC see huge increase of traffic, and the virtual world became the main “venue” of the fundraiser. Failure-free and continuous access of users to the site is therefore critical.
ensuring of a properly functioning, scalable infrastructure for the needs of the Grand Finale of GOCC, including well functioning website
coordination of all suppliers and IT activities
Network access
network access and IT support for all employees
and volunteers working during the Grand Finale

For many years during the Grand Finale, the GOCC’s IT team used the devices delivered to the site several months in advance, which then had to be configured accordingly. On the one hand, this took a long time and on the other hand it did not guarantee the continuity of the systems operation. It happened that, as a result of excessive traffic, the GOCC website was down.
In 2012 Atende undertook, pro bono, the IT support for the Foundation during the Grand Finale. In addition to supporting network integration and coordination of all IT activities during the Grand Finale, the engineering team proposed to leverage a fully virtualized server and networking environment in the cloud computing model as part of the Atende Business Cloud service.
It is a cloud environment adapted to reliable hosting of business applications and websites, ensuring uninterrupted operation of applications, data security (stored in Poland), with continuous support from Atende, 24/7/365.
With the deployment of Atende Business Cloud, the time to have the environment up and running during each Grand Finale was cut down from a few months to a few days, including the time needed to carry out stress tests that confirm adequate performance of the environment.
The environment is protected efficiently with the use of the Next Generation Firewall solutions, a dedicated Anty-DDoS system, network traffic encryption, and intrusion detection and prevention systems. All infrastructure events are constantly logged and analysed.
More than 1500 different parameters affecting the availability of the GOCC sites are monitored. Atende Business Cloud ensures continuous uptime, including through high flexibility that provides the right amount of server resources in real time.
This makes it possible to respond in advance to successive increases in the load of website, for example during bidding of the Gold Heats of the GOCC.
queries per second
calls with donors using IP video telephones
monitored parameters
no need to provide network and server hardware – all applications are running in the cloud
continuity of operation of all applications is ensured throughout the Grand Finale, despite the unusual increase in network traffic
the IT team of the GOCC can focus on application operation
With Atende Business Cloud, the time to prepare and run the stress tests has been dramatically shortened and is now several days! The result is a powerful and secure environment to keep our applications running. The scalability of this solution enables us to respond instantly if the assigned resources are full, so our applications run seamlessly and continuously. This has a great impact on the professional image of the GOCC Grand Finale.
Don’t hesitate to contact our consultant.